Primary School Kids / Pre-Teens


During this time the emphasis is on the child to take increasing responsibility for their ongoing oral health with help and support appropriate to their age and development.

We aim to teach, encourage and reinforce correct tooth brushing technique, often with the use of plaque disclosing. Parent tell us they often struggle to get their children to brush for 2 minutes – visit for a suggestion to help with this.

Emphasis is also placed on healthy eating for teeth. Establishing good dental habits at this stage is crucial for ongoing good dental health during the Secondary school years and our Hygienists, Therapist and Oral Health Educator also help with this. Preventive measures such as fissure sealants and fluoride coatings are regularly used.

There are lots of changes in the dental development over this period and we carefully monitor for any abnormality that may need intervention. At each examination we carry out a dental health assessment and provide an examination report and personalised preventative care plan. Our range of up to date information leaflets helps you to make maximum use of the advice given in surgery thereby minimising preventable dental diseases in your family.

If your child is an avid thumb sucker visit for useful tips and suggestions to break the habit early and avoid unnecessary dental problems later.

This is the peak time for dental trauma of the permanent teeth. Should your child suffer damage to the teeth due to an accident all is not lost. As a team we are experienced in a broad range of techniques to repair the teeth and restore your child’s smile. Click here for first aid advice in the event of dental trauma. As parents of children who themselves have suffered dental trauma we are fully aware of the anxiety this can cause and will endeavour to treat your child with the TLC needed. In the event of a trauma to the teeth, even if there is no apparent damage, you should contact the practice at the earliest opportunity for advice.

As part of our ongoing commitment to Oral Health Promotion within the local community Carrie Preston regularly visits local primary schools and nurseries to raise children’s awareness of being responsible for looking after their teeth properly.  If you know of a group or class that would like to take this opportunity then please contact Carrie to arrange.

Take a look at the DoH website Change4Life for some great ideas on how to help your children to stay healthy.