Preschool Children
by Carrie PrestonYoung children can benefit from having their first visit before their first birthday. This allows us to both identify any signs of problems and also advise regarding the best preventative strategies as early as possible. In this way excellent dental health becomes part of the routine. Tooth decay can and does start as soon as teeth appear – the good news is that it is totally preventable. We fully endorse the national guidance Dental Check by One (DCby1)
To demonstrate our commitment to children’s dentistry we offer free examinations for children under 5 years. Our Start Right Smiles informal play sessions held on Fridays 2-3 pm gives the youngest children a great introduction to going to the dentist in a fun and relaxed way enabling parents and carers to receive free dental and prevention advice for all babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. More info…
As part of our ongoing commitment to Oral Health Promotion within the local community Carrie Preston regularly visits local primary schools and nurseries to raise children’s awareness of being responsible for looking after their teeth properly. If you know of a group or class that would like to take this opportunity then please contact Carrie to arrange.
Take a look at the DoH website Change4Life for ideas on how to help your children to grow up healthy