Preparing your Child
Our aim at Shipston Dental Practice is to prepare your child to enter adulthood with a positive attitude towards dental health. We can only do this with your help and support at home so that your child is reassured that we are all on the same side.
If we have recommended dental treatment for your child it is important in the development and maintenance of a healthy mouth. It is essential that we as parents, family and the dental team work together to influence and help your child develop positive memories of treatment and to be happy to co-operate fully at future dental visits.
We aim to provide dental treatment to the highest standards in a relaxed, calm and friendly environment. Every effort will be made to ensure the experience is as positive as possible. Treatment is taken at your child’s pace using appropriate explanation and established behaviour management techniques. In order for treatment to be successful your child and we need each other’s undivided attention – a parent or carer is welcome to watch as a quiet observer.
We focus on positive behaviour. At the end of treatment we will give praise and specific examples of positive behaviour eg lying very still, opening mouth wide when asked, that have helped to make the appointment run smoothly and to give your child a sense of accomplishment. The key to success in this process is to encourage your child to physically demonstrate these helpful actions to selected other people after leaving the practice eg father, grandparent, teacher – people who you can rely to give encouraging, positive reinforcement. It has been proven that this specific intervention has a very valuable impact on behaviour, co-operation and attitude at future dental visits.
It is essential that you hide any of your own dental anxieties from your child and avoid discussing your own negative experience of dental treatment within hearing of your child. This includes other friends and family. If necessary another adult who is not anxious should accompany your child. Use only encouraging positive messages eg “It’s nice to have your teeth polished. I have mine done too.” Please avoid unhelpful reassurance that can actually raise anxiety eg “The dentist won’t hurt you” or “There is no need to worry”. There really is no need for you to worry – we will look after your child in the way we like our own children to be treated.
Please do not hesitate to ask if you require further information; often it’s helpful for parents to talk through things in advance without their children present and we’re happy to help in any way we can. Tel: 01608 661551
Carrie Preston (Dr) BDS (U.Birm) DPDS (U. Brist)